
24 in 24 Initiative

The goal of the OAC and Defense Soap 24 in 24 Initiative is to train, certify and mentor 24 less experienced officials in the 2023-24 Season.

Concept of 2024

We (OAC) facilitate finding less experienced officials and interested members.

Once we have contact information, we pass it along to associations.

If not certified, associations will walk them through the certification process.

Once they are certified the OAC will provide them with an Officials Shirt, Flip Disc & Wrist Bands.

We will then help find events (both Duals and Youth Tournaments) for them to officiate (Defense Soap and OAC) and we will pair them with a mentor to assist them at a tournament. Mentor Mentee paid $30 per hour by OAC and Defense Soap.

What We Need

Officials who are willing to be mentors and their available dates for mentorship.

Assocations who are willing to take the contact information of potential officials and help be sure they get certified.

To receive more information, please email [email protected]

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